Java 8 Stream Samples for Reference

Java 8 Stream Samples which you can refer during your coding

Vicky AV
5 min readNov 20, 2022

1: Generate

// Example 1:Generate 10 Even Numbers

Stream.iterate(0, input -> input + 2)

// Example 2: Generate 10 Random Numbers

Stream.generate(new Random()::nextInt)
// Example 3: Generate 100 Student Objects for Testing

public class Student {
private int id;

Student(int id) { = id;

List<Student> students = Stream
.iterate(new Student(1), student -> new Student( + 1))
// Example 4: Generate 10 Random UUIDs

List<String> infiniteStreamOfRandomUUID = Stream.generate(UUID::randomUUID)

2: Reduce

// Combine List of names to form a comma separated String

List<String> list = Arrays.asList("Vignesh", "Valli", "Sita Mahalakshmi");, s2) -> s1 + "," + s2)

Let’s consider the below list of Employees for all upcoming samples

public class Employee {
private int id;
private String name;
private String city;
private int salary;
private Set<String> departments;

public Employee(int id, String name, String city, int salary, Set<String> departments) { = id; = name; = city;
this.salary = salary;
this.departments = departments;

// Getters & Setters to be followed

Set<String> deptSet1 = new HashSet<>();

Set<String> deptSet2 = new HashSet<>();

Set<String> deptSet3 = new HashSet<>();

Employee e1 = new Employee(1, "Valli", "Chennai", 55000, deptSet1);
Employee e2 = new Employee(2, "Vicky", "Chennai", 10000, deptSet1);
Employee e3 = new Employee(3, "Sita", "Bengaluru", 25000, deptSet2);
Employee e4 = new Employee(4, "Kriti", "Tokyo", 23450, deptSet3);
Employee e5 = new Employee(5, "Mahalakshmi", "HongKong", 34000, deptSet3);

List<Employee> employees = Arrays.asList(e1, e2, e3, e4, e5);

3: Finding Sum from Stream

// Total salaries of all Employees

// Both of the below examples achieve same result

Integer totalSalaryOfAllEmployees1 =
.reduce(0, (total, salary) -> total + salary);

Integer totalSalaryOfAllEmployees2 =
.reduce(0, Integer::sum);

4. Filter

// Filter Employees belong to city Chennai

List<Employee> employeesFromChennai =
.filter(employee -> employee.getCity().equalsIgnoreCase("Chennai"))

5. Filter with Count

// Count number of Employees belong to city Chennai

long countOfEmployeesFromChennai =
.filter(employee -> employee.getCity().equalsIgnoreCase("Chennai"))

6. Sort Elements in the Streams

// Sort Employees based on their Salary

// Both of the below examples achieve same result

List<Employee> employeesSortedBasedOnSalary1 =
.sorted((emp1, emp2) -> emp1.getSalary() - emp2.getSalary())

List<Employee> employeesSortedBasedOnSalary2 =

// Sort List of Integer

List<Integer> sortedNumbers = Stream.of(1, 10, 13, 15, 16, 11, 9, 2, 7, 34)

7. Skip Few Items from Stream

// When you want to get everything after the given nth element

List<Employee> skipFirstTwoEmployees =
// When you want to get first n elements from a List

List<Employee> skipAnythingAfterFirstTwoEmployees =

8. Find Min & Max Elements from Stream

// Find Employee with Max salary

// Both of the below examples achieve same result

Optional<Employee> employeeWithMaxSalary1 =
.max((emp1, emp2) -> emp1.getSalary() - emp2.getSalary());

Optional<Employee> employeeWithMaxSalary2 =

// Find Employee with Min salary

// Both of the below examples achieve same result

Optional<Employee> employeeWithMinSalary1 =
.min((emp1, emp2) -> emp1.getSalary() - emp2.getSalary());

Optional<Employee> employeeWithMinSalary2 =

9. Just Do Something on the Stream without disturbing the Stream (PEEK)

// We are just printing Employee before collecting them again in a List

List<Employee> employeesList =

10. Stream to Array

Employee[] employeeArray =[]::new);

11. Array to Stream

int[] array = {1, 10, 9, 2, 4, 11, 23};

List<Integer> collect =
.boxed() // boxed() will convert int to Integer

12. FlatMap

// Each Employee belongs to Set of Departments. Here we collected all 
// Department names in a Set

Set<String> addDepartmentNames =

13. Check if Elements in Stream Matching Certain Condition

// Check if Salary of All Employees in the given list greater than 10k

boolean checkIfSalaryOfAllEmployeeGreaterThan =
.allMatch(employee -> employee.getSalary() > 10000);

// Check if Salary of any one of the Employees in given list greater than 10k

boolean checkIfAnyEmployeeSalaryGreaterThan =
.anyMatch(employee -> employee.getSalary() > 10000);

14. Find Elements from Stream Matching Certain Condition

// Both of the below examples achieve same result

// Find First Employee from the Stream whose Salary is greater than 10000

Optional<Employee> employeeWithSalaryGreaterThan =
.filter(employee -> employee.getSalary() > 10000)

// Find First Employee from the Stream whose Salary is greater than 10000

Optional<Employee> employeeWithSalaryGreaterThan =
.filter(employee -> employee.getSalary() > 10000)

Note: findAny() & findFirst() will return same result if the stream is not running in parallel

If the stream in parallel, there is no guarantee which element findAny() may return

// Since Parallel Stream is used, random Employee matching given condition
// will be returned

// Find Random Employee from the Stream whose Salary is greater than 10000

Optional<Employee> randomEmployeeWithSalaryGreaterThan2 = employees.parallelStream()
.filter(employee -> employee.getSalary() > 10000)

15. Stream to Map

// Collect Employees by their ID

Map<Integer, Employee> employeeById =
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Employee::getId, Function.identity()));

// Collect Employees by their ID & have them sorted based on the ID

TreeMap<Integer, Employee> employeeById =
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Employee::getId, Function.identity(),
(emp1, emp2) -> emp1, TreeMap::new));

Note: To use Collectors.toMap -> the key we choose (in above case, Employee::getId) should give unique result. If not, it will end up in below Exception

Exception in thread “main” java.lang.IllegalStateException: Duplicate key

If each key is going to result in multiple values, then we need to use Collectors.groupingBy

// Group Employees Based on their City

Map<String, List<Employee>> employeeGroupedByCity =
// Group Employee Names Based on their City

Map<String, List<String>> employeeNameListGroupedByCity =
Collectors.mapping(Employee::getName, Collectors.toList())));
// Count Employees Based on their City. Count will be in Long type

Map<String, Long> employeeCountBasedOnCity =
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Employee::getCity, Collectors.counting()));

// Count Employees Based on their City. Count will be in Integer type

Map<String, Integer> employeeCountAsIntegerBasedOnCity =
Collectors.collectingAndThen(Collectors.counting(), Long::intValue)));
// Group Employees based on City & Each Group should be further grouped by 
// their ID

Map<String, Map<Integer, Employee>> groupEmployees =
Collectors.toMap(Employee::getId, Function.identity())));

// Group Employees based on City & Each Group should be further grouped by
// their ID & Set of Departments they work on

Map<String, Map<Integer, Set<String>>> map2 =
Collectors.toMap(Employee::getId, Employee::getDepartments)));
// Collect Highest Paid Employee by City

Map<String, Optional<Employee>> reduceByCityAvgGrade =

// Count based on the first character in String

Map<String, Integer> output = Stream.of("My", "Name", "Is", "Mr", "Vicky")
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(x-> x.substring(0, 1),
Collectors.reducing(0, String::length, Integer::sum)));

Thats all folks !!!



Vicky AV
Vicky AV

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